NICU and Nursery Abbreviations
A/B - apnea/bradycardia spellA/B/D - apnea/bradycardia desaturation spellAGA - appropriate for gestational ageASD - atrial septal defectATB - antibioticsBBT - baby's blood typeBM - bowel movementBr Milk - breast milk (.67 kcal/cc)BPD - bronchopulmonary dysplasiaC/S - cesarean sectionCHD - congenital heart defectCHF - congestive heart failureCMV - cytomegalovirusCNS - central nervous systemCOC - circumoral cyanosisCPAP - continuous positive airway pressureCPD - cephalo-pelvic disproportionCPT - chest physiotherapyCS - chemstripCSF - cerebrospinal fluidCXR - chest x-rayDIC - disseminated intravascular coagulationDR - delivery roomETT - endotracheal tubeFOC - frontal-occipital circumferenceFSBG - fingerstick blood gasFTP - failure to progressG-P- - gravida ____para____ (pregnancies; live births)GBS - group B streptococcusHCS - hemacombistickHCT - hematocritHFV - high frequency ventilationHFOV - high frequency oscillating ventilationHMD - hyaline membrane diseaseHMF - human milk fortifier (makes breast milk .8 kcal/cc)HTN - hypertensionHUS - head ultrasoundIDM - infant of diabetic motherIMV - intermittent mandatory ventilationIUGR - intrauterine growth retardationIVF - in vitro fertilizationIVH - intraventricular hemorrhageLGA - large for gestational ageLLSB - lower left sternal borderLMD - local medical doctorLSB - left sternal borderMAP - mean airway pressureMAS - meconium aspiration syndromeMBT - mother's blood typeMCL - midclavicular lineMGM - maternal grandmotherNAD - no apparent distressNC - nasal cannulaNEC - necrotizing enterocolitisNICU - Neonatal Intensive Care UnitNNS - neonatal screenNPCPAP - nasopharyngeal continuous positive airway pressureNPO - nothing by mouthNVN - neonatal venous nutritionPDA - patent ductus arteriosisPEEP - peak and expiratory pressurePF - premie formula (.8 kcal/cc)PFC - persistent fetal circulationPGE1 - prostaglandin E1PGF - paternal grandfatherPIE - pulmonary interstitial hypertensionPIH - pregnancy induced hypertensionPIP - peak inspiratory pressurePIV - peripheral intravenous linePKU - phenylketonuria, a disease detected on the NNSPMI - point of maximum intensityPNP - pediatric nurse practitionerPPHN - persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newbornPPS - peripheral pulmonic stenosisPRBCs - packed red blood cells (concentrated)PROM - premature rupture of membranesPTL - preterm laborPVL - periventricular leukomalaciaRA - room air (21% oxygen)RCM - right costal marginRDS - respiratory distress syndromeROM - rupture of membranes OR range of motionROP - retinopathy of prematurityRSV - respiratory syncitial virusSAB - spontaneous abortionSF - stock formula (.67 kcal/cc)SGA - small for gestational ageTCM - transcutaneous monitor (PO2, PCO2)TG - true glucoseTTN - transient tachypnea of the newbornUAC - umbilical arterial catheterUVC - umbilical venous catheterVLBW - very low birth weight babyVSD - ventricular septal defectVS - vital signs